Turning Point Action, led by Charlie Kirk, has emerged as a crucial ally in Donald Trump’s 2024 presidential campaign. Despite past tensions with the Republican National Committee (RNC), Turning Point is now a significant force in conservative politics, particularly in battleground states.
Key Points:
- Event Partnership: Trump has headlined Turning Point Action events twice in the past two weeks, highlighting their strong partnership.
- Organization’s Role: Turning Point has evolved from a controversial student movement into a powerful player, pouring tens of millions of dollars into get-out-the-vote operations in key states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
- RNC Relations: Initially viewed skeptically by RNC leaders, Turning Point now collaborates closely with Trump’s campaign and the RNC, enhancing their operational capabilities.
- Influence and Strategy: Turning Point’s strategy involves mobilizing conservative voters, especially in areas with low voter turnout, aiming to boost Republican participation in the upcoming elections.
- Jay Shepard (RNC Committee Member): “They’re very influential. Effective? That depends on what your measurement is. They are certainly a messaging juggernaut and fundraising juggernaut.”
- Brian Hughes (Trump Campaign Adviser): Turning Point’s field program acts as a “force multiplier” for Trump’s campaign resources in battleground states.
Turning Point’s collaboration with Trump’s campaign signifies a shift in GOP dynamics, as traditional conservative groups lose influence. The organization’s focus on grassroots mobilization and conservative values has attracted significant support and funding, positioning it as a key player in the 2024 election.
Turning Point’s rise reflects a broader trend in conservative politics, where new organizations are filling the void left by older, scandal-ridden groups. Their effectiveness in the upcoming elections will be a critical measure of their long-term influence within the Republican Party.